OUR KISS by Thad Buckley
It was years ago when we kissed
Our first date.
I held you close on the roller coaster.
Then later took you home.
You said, “Goodnight,”
And I kissed you.
With my eyes open.
I wanted to see you up close.
Did you really want to kiss me?
Did you really like being my date?
Your face didn’t tell me
But then you put your arms around me.
And I closed my eyes.
Our honeymoon. Remember?
We still debate.
Were we trying to laugh while we kissed?
Or were we trying to kiss while we laughed?
We even changed sides
Then hurried to a delightful close.
Through the years, our kisses
Have become less passionate.
More hurried. But,
When our lips touch
Our hearts remember
Our tender times.
Our times for two.
Now, I always close my eyes.
Now, when our lips touch
And we murmur, “I love you”
I can see with my heart
Our souls’ embrace.