My clothesline is my dearest friend
She shares my secrets end to end
And on her lines I can depend
For no one knows the help she lends
Someone washed the clothes last night
And washed the red ones with the white!
Was it Alicia? Could it be?
How many times now? Is it three?
She must be in a heap of trouble
Better find out on the double!
Does her little brother know?
Did they conspire long ago?
Why were the clothes not on the line?
Were these the ones they feared I find?
And Dad, he did some laundry too
Did all his jeans - but not all blue!
The fabric softener made them fresh
But they lacked some soap I guess
I’ll have to wash them once or twice
He’s not listening to advice
Maybe he was in a hurry
Clothes are all in such a flurry!
Whites and brights, that won’t suffice
But they do smell really nice!
Hang them on the line to dry
Makes my neighbors laugh and cry
Sweet of him to even try
Whole new meaning to tie-dye!
Hang white tee shirts one by one
Line them up, my work is done
Oh dear Clothesline, glad you’re here
The dryer’s broke! Why? It’s not clear!
Must’ve been an overload.
My family’s now in crisis mode!
Find the clothespins, did they hide them?
Clothes won’t get hung if I chide them!
Many a thought my clothesline’s penned
“Humor’s better in the end!
There’s a blackout, never fear
For my clothesline’s ever near!
She always sees around the bend
And to my family she does tend
Mischief, she will apprehend
With gentle words that won’t offend
Yes, I can hear my clothesline say,
“The children hung the clothes today!”
Here they come with baskets filled
Shocked to find out their beans got spilled!