WHICH CHOICE?   by Daniel Kuttner

WHICH CHOICE? by Daniel Kuttner

We can live in a world of chaos,

No reason or order to guide.

Fear the cold, dead unknown,

Impervious, impersonal space.


We can set our own morality,

Let others do the same.


Dog eat dog, winner gets spoils,

Nice guys finish last in the race.


Man at the top of life's pyramid,

Answering to no one at all.


Death as the silent end

of a life filled with worry and pain.


Love as a foolish delusion

Based on survival and lust.


No meaning, affection or mercy,

Life based on protein and chemical rain.




We can open our minds and our hearts some,

Wait and be silent a while, then


Ask if someone higher is there.

Hear that small voice answering "Yes!"


Imagine mercy and purpose

Predating and wiser than Man.


Love and supreme understanding,

Helping whenever it's best.


Allowing us freedom to falter

But also succeed and create.


To help and protect one another.

It’s OK to make a mistake.


To have many chances at learning,

Wisdom and skill to achieve.


While some launch arrows of hatred,

Others roses at us will toss.


It's true...


Both ways have dangers and pitfalls

Both offer success of a sort.


One's filled with hope and love,

The other no basis for either.


These worlds exist together

Strange but I've found it is so.


Which one will you decide to live in?

Which one will bring you your bliss?

SATURDAY   by Ellyn Wolfe

SATURDAY by Ellyn Wolfe

Cover by Ellyn Wolfe

Cover by Ellyn Wolfe